The website workout: Top 10 tips to make your website work for a living

“If you website is under performing and not bringing you the traffic and customers you need. Do you know why? Do you have a way of measuring what your website is really doing for your business? Do you have set goals and targets? With 10 top tips Leonie will show you how to make your website a more powerful tool for your business. Time to build traffic, interact with customers and measure exactly how your website performs in the real world.


If you website is under performing and not bringing you the traffic and customers you need.  Do you know why?  Do you have a way of measuring what your website is really doing for your business? Do you have set goals and targets?  With 10 top tips Leonie will show you how to make your website a more powerful tool for your business.  Time to build traffic, interact with customers and measure exactly how your website performs in the real world.

1. Define the purpose of your website?

Common answers:
  •  Because everyone has a website.
  • To sell online.
  • To promote our services.
  • To make more people aware of our brand

Make your answer about what your website should really DO?

(Example from a musicians website)
  • Purchase something from my site.
  • Sign up for my email list.
  • Listen to my song samples, read a book excerpt
  • Watch a video.
  • Hire me to perform or appear at an event.

2. Know your audience

Create customer profiles these will help you re target your website to the needs of your customers as well as your business goals.
Profiles should include
  • Age, profession, interests, values …
  • What tasks do they need to preform?
  • What events or triggers that turn them into customers

3. Set measurable goals for your website

Without goals you have nothing to measure against.  Define how your website will achieve your goals and set how you will measure their success.  If your goal is to increase newsletter subscriptions how do you persuade people to sign up?
Think SMART:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time bound

4. Don’t treat your stats or analytics as  a score card.

 The number of hits does  not matter! Spend time understanding your reports. It is the quality of traffic that matters not just the number of visitors to your site.

  • Match your reports to your goals.
  • How long are visitors typically staying on your site?
  • What keywords are bringing people to your website?
  • Which  pages are getting the most hits?
  • Where are your visitors being referred from?
  • How many pages do they visit?
  • Are certain pages higher for bounce rate or exit from your website?

5. Don’t be shy

Apple are experts at building a loyal customer base.
Apple are experts at building a loyal customer base.

People do business with people they like and  respect.  Successful business build relationships and create loyal advocates to their brand. Showcase the people in your business.

  • Make it personal but professional.
  • Make a connection with your visitor
  • Make it interactive
  • Build relationships

6. Create search engine friendly  content aimed at real people

It is true that Google likes content heavy websites.  Updating your website regularly will improve  your ranking.  But remember that getting people to your website is only the first step.

  • Create real content to match your keywords.
  • Quality content convert visits into customers.
  • People are behind searches.

7. Become a provider of solutions

People don’t search for you, most searches are to solve an immediate problem.

  • The majority of searches are unique.
  • Create a wider range of content, to capture a wider  range of key phrases.
  • What problems can you solve for your customers?
  • Match your products and services to the problems they solve.


8. Give people a reason to return

My parents always told me not to trust strangers and the same goes for your interactions in business.   Visitors might not become customers on the first visit to your website.

  • Create sticky content.
  • Become an expert in your industry.
  • Use social media and blogs to feed return  traffic

Build a lasting relationship with your potential market and they will no longer see you as a stranger.

9. Look at the technical efficiency of  your website

gtmetrixsSlow web pages can reduce page rank. On average people expect pages to load in under 3 seconds.  The increase in the use of Mobile devices can also mean people are relying on slow WiFi connections.

Tools to measure Speed:
Google analytics

10. Don’t stop

If you are not interested in your website why should anyone else be?

  • Set new challenges.
  • Write new content

Most businesses evolve to remain profitable, make sure your website does too.

Original Website workout presentation

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