For all the information that is freely available often the internet books still have their place. A book can enclose an idea and take you on a journey. With the author as your guide the experience is guided and effortless. On the internet you are continually sifting through mountains of data, your journey can be convoluted and often with varying quality of results. For me books, or ebooks, still have a strong place in my search for growth and new ideas. My monthly post will highlight some of the gems I have found.
Don’t worry no lengthy book reports here!
Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action
Simon Sinek
This is one of those books that puts things into a whole new perspective. ‘Start with the why’ looks at why certain company’s or individuals, inspire us with their message, by starting with the why of what they do rather than the what. Highlighting obvious examples like Apple but also taking key historical figures like Martin Luther King. This book take you beyond the traditional elevator pitch. It is the philosophy and why that can inspire a whole generation.
Steal like an Artist
Autin Kleon
Looking for inspiration or ideas about where inspiration is found? This is not a book encouraging plagiarism. Whether in art, music, writing or media everyone is influenced by those who have come before. In this book Kleon encourages you to go out and grab onto those influences. Told with an appealing voice, this is a book you can read in a few evenings but its ideas will last a whole lot longer.
This Months Twitter recommendations
@leoniejane I can recommend Hyrum W Smith’s What Matters Most. Thanks for the follow btw
— Deborah (@deborahstar) February 26, 2013
@leoniejane I’ve just read Shackleton’s Way – a great story and leadership lessons. Big fan of polar explorers generally!
— KirstieC (@kirstie_C) February 26, 2013
Books recommended from events
Went to the Ingenuity Knowledge Exchange Breakfast at The University of Nottingham and now have to read this, after the talk on ‘Thinking Fast and Slow’.
Thinking fast and Slow
By Daniel Kahneman
#uonfishbowl twitter chat
by Seth Godin
Reminded of a classic from 2008 Tribes by Seth Godin. How we can find the right tribes, people who share our values and interests to build our businesses or causes in this digital age.