As I'm going to be travelling a lot more I have been putting together my essentials for working on the move. Generally I need enough kit so that I can attend meetings, take notes at conferences, run workshops, do a quick alteration to a website, or just keep myself amused on the train.

As I’m going to be travelling a lot more I have been putting together my essentials for working on the move.   Generally I need enough kit so that I can:

  • Attend meetings
  • Take notes at conferences
  • Run workshops
  • Do a quick alteration to a website
  • Or just keep myself amused on the train.

Here is my essential kit.

High Tech

  • Iphone  – Handles communications and music
  • Ipad – I leave my laptop at home
  • Camera – Optional if I know I will need better quality than my iphone.

Low Tech
(in case of no power or for low tech brain storms)

  • Colour pens – Brain storming and general doodles
  • Highlighters – How else can I highlight that long winded paperwork
  • Pen – Sometimes need to sign things
  • Assorted post it notes – Great for workshops and brain storming
  • Notepad – Still like joitting ideas the old fashioned way when in the mood for a slower pace
  • Diary – Only used if I run out of charge on gadgets
  • Bag – To carry it all in.

What is your travel kit when out of the office?

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